FROM BETHELS AGOMUOH -------------------- Our Mission Statement: The greatest gift a father can bequeath his son is the gift of legacy and the most powerful honor a son can bestow upon his father is the pride of upholding his heritage. As the world gradually slides together into one global community it seems rather obvious that the cultures of different peoples of the world have been corrupt or conspicuosly adulterated. More often than usual, laudable norms and values have been shadowed by what seems acceptable by the majority or the few at the echelon of a heirarchy. As an African, in the business of Arts and entertainment, I nurse a huge fear that one day there shall be no trace of where we come from, what roads we have walked and where we are are going because of lackmof appropriate means to project the lives and ways of our people. After living outside Africa for a lenghty number of years, it is glaringly clear that Africa is not only found wanting in the field of science and technology, we are also lagging behind in the sphere of Arts and culture. Despite our rich cultural heritage, our enourmous talent, we stll have no found our niche in the globe. I have tried very hard to fathom-objectively why this is so; but each time I seem to arrive at a a resilient conclusion; maybe we do not have enough clout outside Africa to sell our movies, music, arts and talents to the world, but within me, I am convinced that it is a wrong answer. Back home in Africa, our counterparts are striving to achieve excellence. Laudable they may appears, 75% of them seem unable or incapable of competeing with their western counterparts. Arguably, one may blame a host of culminating factors; foreign exchange, shortage of equipment, poor knowledge of the industry coupled with inadequate marketing strategy may sometimes cause contribute to this unpleasant situation. Without adequate tools of the trade, talents are stifled, without proper remineration, interestsand zeal wane with one disappointment afeter the other, without proper appreciable support from the government, excellence takes a hike. Granted, the joy of doing the bid of onesa heart, some times does suffice, but the bottom line is " A hungry man is an angry man". A few individuals may have been satiated by their achievement, artisticall and or financlially, yet it seems that the only time see an African in a main stream American movie is when one Hollywood producer decides to take a trip back to the days of slavery, and often Africans are potrayed as barbarians. My question to you is; Are we barbarians ? Don't we have the population to support our artists. Well, while you ponder over this question, I'd offer my own answer. " We are not barbarians and we have enough market to support our arists. The United Africa Artist is founded on the axiom "United we stand" What we are unable to accomplish individually, collectively we can" . Independent films are major part of the underground economy; and we must harness the opportunity. start --> AIMS/ OBJECTIVE/MEMBERSHIP

1. Activities Making dreams come through

July 4th 1999
Inaugral Meeting at
African Village Cafe
724 Myrtle Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11205

Listen to Kolanut at wlib 5:30pm On Sunday
-_Movies: 419 "The Stalk Exchane" Call 718-773-8636,
Contact Us Do you have any movie, music Ideas, Please get in touch with us.
Write Us at:
United Africa Artist
989 Nostand Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11225.
Membership Is open To Artists with Pure interest in African Arts.
Please call or Write for more information.
Favourite links

Email me at:
[email protected]

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